Sunday, July 25, 2010

Home-made MASH POTATO!


This is a simple recipe for all and whats best? It's EASY!

Here's the ingredients needed for the Mash Potato:
  • Brastagi Potatoes x2 (note that the type of potato changes the overall taste)
  • Slice of Butter x1

As for the Gravy:
  • 3/4 bowl of water
  • teaspoon of dark sauce x2
  • teaspoon of light sauce x1/2
  • teaspoon of oyster sauce x1/2
  • dessert spoon of cooking oil x1
  • dessert spoon of onion oil x1
  • dessert spoon of flour x1
  • a dash of black pepper
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of sugar

Its a little tedious, but worth the hassle ^_^!


Mash Potato
  1. Peel, slice and boil the potato with salt
  2. Drain the boiled potato dry and begin to sieve
  3. Add the sieved potato to a slice of butter, begin mixing

  1. Add the oil to a small saucepan and heat it up (few minutes)
  2. Add the flour onto the oil
  3. Mix season and the seasonings together
  4. Add this mixture onto the saucepan and begin stirring
  5. When this mixture is thicken, there u have it: Gravy for mash potatoes!

Hope you enjoy this dish!
Thank you for reading! XD

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